Frequently Asked Questions
Questions and Answers
- MHP Law: Late Fees on Rent & Utility Charges
- Paying a Fee to use the Clubhouse
- Maintenance Request
- Does the law require a manager to be on the premises at all times in case of emergencies
- MHP Tenancy and Caregiver Tenancy
- MHP Law: Eviction for non payment
- How do I change or add a name on the title to my mobilehome?
- Can the park charge first and last months’ rent plus a 2-month security deposit?
- MHP Law: Personal Belongings Stored on Site
- 90 Day Rent Increase Notice, delivered late?
- Can the park manager force rules on some residents and not on others?
- Can the park charge separate maintenance fee?
- Can the park manager force residents to sign a long-term lease, causing them to lose rent control protections
- Being overcharged on utility bills?
- Do mobilehome park rules prevail over state law?
- Can the park charge residents for back-rent that was miscalculated because of the manager’s mistake?
- Is it legal to place RVs on mobilehome spaces?
- Does the park manager have the right to tell me to remove my belongings that are stored on my space?
- Requirement to enter a MHP Unit
- Can Residents Refuse to Pay Rent if no water?